"Since the UX and gameplay experience are the key to a successful game, the Prototype Build, sometimes referred to as the First Playable, is focused on demonstrating the core gameplay mechanics. The Prototype may have placeholder art, animation, and audio. Some of the technical challenges may not be solved, but someone can play the game and get an idea of the experience. Complete a Prototype as early in the development process as possible, and then continue iterating on this version." — The Game Production Toolbox, page 67
To find out what milestone expectations we have of the Prototype we define a Milestone Plan.
Man kann nicht nur aufrecht sich bewegen, sondern wie ein Katze auf allen Vieren. Man kann damit verschiedene Sachen lösen wie:
Here is an Medium article describing a possible implementation for object/character/etc. interactions — like for triggering dialogs or opening a door. The key part of this article is the usage of Interfaces
(and also maybe Trigger
instead of LineTraces
, which saves performance).